Gawai Ceremony

Gawai Ceremony

Indonesia is a country in Southeast Asia in the form of an archipelago with its largest island, Kalimantan. The diversity of tribes, religions, and languages makes the country of Indonesia interesting to visit and its natural conditions are very beautiful and diverse. Some examples of tribes in Indonesia are Dayak, Javanese, Sundanese, Betawi, Asmat, Madurese, Balinese etc. This diversity gives birth to many varied cultures such as rituals or traditional ceremonies.

Dayak tribe is one of the tribes originating from the island of Kalimantan, Indonesia. The Dayak tribe is famous for its various cultures, one of which is the gadget ceremony. Gawai is a celebration/ceremony in the Dayak tribe that is carried out regularly with the aim of being grateful for the abundant harvest. Gawai celebration has a different name in several regions in Kalimantan, such as in Putus Sibau regency known as Denge celebration and in Sambas regency another name for Gawai is Maka'Dio. Gawai have high spiritual value and as a manifestation of solidarity for the Dayak Community, especially because at this celebration Dayak tribes from various regions join in celebrating Gawai together. Usually gadgets are carried out for 3 months after harvest or in April-June.

Before the Gawai celebration, there are several traditional ceremonies held to welcome the Gawai ceremony. One of them is the Ngamper Bide Ceremony or mat title ceremony. This ceremony was led by figures from the Dayak tribe and took place at the Betang Panjang house, West Kalimantan. Then preparations were made for Gawai events such as funding, promotion, figures who will be involved, rice shedding (mantuk ase) 3 weeks before the celebration, delivering invitations (Majajenang Bun), taking Pandung, and dinner for 3 consecutive days (Bumbulan).

After sufficient preparation, Gawai ceremony is ready to be carried out with a series of events that must be carried out. The following is a series of events from the celebration of Gawai: 

Bapipis Mantak
This ceremony is secret or only the traditional / tribal leader knows and carries it out. The recitation of prayers and mantras is the essence of this ceremony. This ceremony uses rice media that is given cooking oil.
Nyangahat Masak 
The essence of this activity is to cut the chicken then boiled and served to Pantak and Penyungu and still accompanied by prayers and mantras recited by the traditional leader. 

Bapinta Bapadah Ka Pantak and Penyungu 
This event is a procession to notify and ask permission to carry out Gawai to Jubata. The purpose is to ask for blessings and smoothness at the Gawai ceremony that is being carried out, as well as ask for protection to avoid devil. 

Nyapak Umpang 
Nyapak Umpang is a procession of prayers and mantras with yellow rice performed by traditional leaders. The procession is also filled with cutting offerings by guests.

This Gawai ceremony has a positive influence on Dayak Society. In addition to preserving the cultural heritage of their ancestors, this Gawai celebration also provides very important values. These values are social values, spiritual values, and mutual aid values. their social values can be seen from the celebration of Gawai as a gathering place for Dayak tribes from various regions. Their belief in Jubata is very evident in all series of these gadgets, where they always involve prayers and mantras, this is the embodiment of spiritual value. While the value of Dayak tribal mutual assistance can be seen from the beginning of preparation to the end of the celebration carried out together or gotong royong.

#gawai #sukudayak #kalimantan #kalimantanbarat


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