Comparison of the Dayak Language of Kalimantan and the Language of East Java


Comparison of the Dayak Language of Kalimantan and the Language of East Java


Dayak language and East Javanese are two languages that come from different cultures and communities in Indonesia. It should be remembered that Dayak Language is a general term for a large number of languages spoken by the Dayak tribe in Kalimantan, while East Javanese is a dialect of Javanese spoken in the East Java region. The two have significant differences in terms of history, structure, vocabulary, and culture. Here are some general comparisons:

Origins and History:

·         Dayak language          : refers to a large number of languages spoken by the Dayak tribe  in Kalimantan. The Dayak tribe is an ethnic group spread across the island of Kalimantan.

·         East Javanese              : is part of the Javanese language family spoken in the East Java region, one of the provinces on the island of Java.

Language Group:

·         Dayak languages    : This is a diverse group of languages, consisting of many varieties and  dialects. Each Dayak tribe may have its own language.

·         East Javanese          : is included in the Javanese language group, which also includes other  dialects in Central Java, Yogyakarta, and West Java regions.

Language Structure:

·         Dayak language       : Its grammatical and phonetic structure varies depending on the particular dialect or variety. Some Dayak languages may have significantly different characteristics.

·         East Javanese            : follows the grammatical and phonetic structure of Javanese, with vocabulary and expressions that may vary according to regional  variations.

Vocabulary and Phrases:

·         Dayak Language         : Vocabulary and expressions will vary greatly depending on the Dayak tribe in question.

·         East Javanese              : Although it shares basic vocabulary with other Javanese languages, there may be variations in vocabulary and expressions that are unique to East Java.

Culture and Social Context:

·         Dayak language          : closely related to the culture of the Dayak tribe and their                 geographical environment in Kalimantan.

       ·         East Javanese              : It reflects the rich culture and history of East Java, with vocabulary and expressions that reflect the traditions and daily life of the region.

Examples Of Several Phrases In Dayak And East Javanese:

·         Dayak Language

1. Nice to meet you (Salam Kenal) :"Kenal metu"

2. How are you (Apa Kabar) : "kenang kabar?"

3. Thank you (Terima Kasih) : "mihang"

4. Good morning (Selamat Pagi) : "Selamat pagi / nyuah pagi"

·         Eats Javanese

1.      Nice to meet you (Salam Kenal)  : "Sugeng Rawuh"

2.      How are you (Apa Kabar)   : "Pripun kabare?"

3.      Thank you (Terima Kasih)  : "Matur nuwun"

4.      Good morning (Selamat Pagi)   : "Sugeng enjang"


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